Emma's Story


 gym in Somerset and Street?


“Blitz Hiit Gym is a playground for grown ups”!

I initially joined to help tone up after losing a significant amount of weight.

Now? I'm there for the community and how it makes me feel, not just physically, but mentally too!

In just under 3 months, I'm feeling stronger, my body is more defined, my mental health has improved and my confidence is soaring.

I know that after a tough day at work, a session at Blitz Hiit with the AMAZING trainers, I'm feeling inspired, positive and happy! (Rather sweaty too!) 

Both Ed and Soph have a wealth of knowledge, they are motivating, supportive, inspiring and know exactly when to step in and give you a challenge

But also when you need extra support and cheering! 

If you are looking for a fresh, new gym, with high end equipment and top notch trainers, Blitz Hiit is for you!"


 Want An Experience Like Emma's

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